Altri, through José de Pina, the company's CEO, signed the manifesto "Innovation, economic development and sustainability for Portugal". The signing of this document reinforces the commitment to work in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), defined by the United Nations for 2030, with the Paris Agreement, signed globally, and with the European Ecological Pact.
"The world has never lived such a prosperous time of economic growth based on collaboration and advances in science and technology, with hyperconnected and globalized societies and economies. Despite this reality, social inequalities continue to grow with the increase of the number people living situations of precariousness and poverty. A complex social reality as a result of economic development models based on productive systems that ignore the limits of nature's capacity for regeneration", states the manifesto.
Having reached a point of no return, it is urgent to change the development model of the country, and also of Europe and the world. A massive transformation, but possible with the mobilization of all, as demonstrated by the rapid global cooperation to face the covid-19 pandemic. "The model of cooperation and commitment assumed between governments, companies, the scientific community and civil society to solve the pandemic should be replicated in the resolution of the climate crisis", continues the same document.
In this field, Portugal is highlighted as a mobilizing country, with the recognition of the collective effort made by all Portuguese to achieve group immunity "without leaving anyone behind". Thus, the manifesto emphasizes, "regardless of age, gender, place where you live or per capita income, the model must be replicated in the reconstruction of a society and economy whose main purpose is sustainability. The path is the decarbonisation of the economy and the social inclusion. It is necessary to develop new models that create wealth, added value and that do not harm the environment".
Organizations are asked to unleash "efforts towards greater adaptation to environmental requirements, so that they remain competitive and in line with ESG challenges" and that have the purpose of "serving their stakeholders - shareholders, customers, employees and the communities in which they operate" - and also "promote employment opportunities that allow prosperity for workers in order to ensure economic and social progress and under equal conditions for all genders".