Altri is the first in its sector to disclose environmental information in commercial documents

30 mar 2022

Altri Group introduced in its commercial documents the environmental information resulting from the processing, production, and distribution of its products. It is the first cellulosic fibre producer worldwide to disclose this information to customers.

The documents sent to Altri customers now present information on greenhouse gas emissions, water use and renewable energy consumption, all in a simple and intuitive way. The values presented will be based on the ton of cellulosic fibres produced by Altri.

The disclosure of this information validated by independent entities will allow its customers to understand the environmental impact of the delivered product, being able to calculate the impact of the final product more quickly. 

This information allows the clients to compare Altri with other suppliers, definitively introducing environmental variables in the choice options. 

It will also show the progress that Altri has made, and will continue to make, in being increasingly sustainable, seeking to achieve the goals defined in the 2030 Commitment, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.