Altri has joined act4nature

12 out 2021

Biodiversity is a priority for Altri

Altri has joined act4nature Portugal, an initiative of BCSD Portugal - Business Council for Sustainable Development through which companies are encouraged and mobilized to protect, promote and restore biodiversity and ecosystem services, contributing to stopping and reversing their loss by 2030. 

In this context, the Company endorsed the ten common commitments combined with individual commitments that Altri made in its 2030 Commitment, reinforcing its contribution to building a more sustainable world. 

Recent scientific studies warn that the planet is losing biodiversity at an unprecedented rate, rapidly approaching a point of no return. According to estimates by the World Economic Forum, by 2020, more than half of the global economic value generated - USD 44 trillion - is moderately or highly dependent on nature, and is thus exposed to the loss of nature, resulting in huge risks for businesses and their value chains.

The act4nature Portugal comes within the scope of act4nature International, launched in France, in 2018, by the association Epe - Entreprises pour l'Environnement, partner of BCSD Portugal through the Global Network of WBCSD. The initiative is part of the commitments made in 2019 by BCSD Portugal, by joining the coalition Business for Nature, which include the objective of involving companies in commitments that contribute to reversing the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystems and the services they provide globally.