Altri has defined four strategic vectors for future development on which it will focus its activity, as well as the definition of its investments. Develop and value the Forest, reinforce operational excellence and technological innovation, value people and point out sustainability as a factor of competitiveness.
Based on the defined strategy, the main sustainability goals for the Group were identified, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, and also with the expectations of its stakeholders. These were identified based on the results of a survey carried out at the end of 2020. Thus resulting in the development of the “2030 Commitment” of the Altri Group.
“The 2030 Commitment is a fundamental document for Altri and for its competitiveness and sustainability. A set of measurable and verifiable metrics, which form the basis of the Group's operations and which will reinforce its role as a leading company in the fight against inequalities, climate change and promoting a more sustainable world. The entire organization, spread across the national territory, is aware of the urgency of changing behavior, of the need for continuous innovation and of Altri leading by example, becoming an international benchmark”, says José Pina, CEO of the Group.
Among the objectives defined in the "2030 Commitment" are the reduction of water use by 50%, that is, to reach, in 2030, the use of only 10 m3 of water per ton of produced pulp, also reducing the organic load in its industrial effluents in 60%. In the context of energy consumption, the goal is to increase the injection of renewable energy into the national electricity grid by 60%, reaching 1000 GWh, and reaching 100% of renewable energy in the primary energy consumption of its industrial units.
In terms of waste, the company's objective is to have 100% of process waste reclaimed or reused, by reducing specific emissions of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) within scope 1 and 2 by 60% and also reducing by 30% the scope 3 emissions (kgCO2/tSA).
With regard to forest and wood, Altri also set ambitious goals, considering that it manages more than 86 thousand hectares of forest. Thus, in 2030, the company wants to increase the percentage of wood consumption with forest management certification by 40%, reaching the target of 80% that year, as well as doubling the area under management for conservation to 16,000 hectares and developing 13 stations of biodiversity and biospots.
With regard to people and diversity, the Company sets itself the goal of doubling the number of women in leadership roles and moving towards zero accidents with lost days.
June 15, 2021