Altri has the best ESG rating in the Pulp and Paper sector worldwide

14 out 2024

The Altri Group achieved its highest rating ever in Sustainalytics' ESG Risk Rating, presenting the best rating worldwide among companies in the Pulp and Paper sector.

After having presented a positive evolution of 4.6 points in 2023, to 14.7 points, this year it registered a new progression, of 2.8 points, reaching 11.9 points. No other company in the Pulp and Paper sector, out of a total of 63 evaluated by Sustainalytics, achieved such a positive result as that presented by Altri.

“We’re proud to see reflected in the assessment made by Sustainalytics the work that we are doing, on a daily basis, to make the Altri Group a reference in sustainability”, says José Soares de Pina. 

“This result puts us at a level of excellence, recognizing us as the most sustainable company in the world in our sector”, adds the CEO of Altri Group, which thus consolidated the status of “Low ESG Risk Company”.